Nauy Salmon Fins

Tuesday, 02:49 Date 06/02/2018. Lượt xem: 5841

Price: 99.000 VND

Product code: NFF0120

Made in: Norway

Brand: Salmar, Leroy

Specification: Kg

Pack: 1kg/bag, 15-20kg/box

Preservation: -18 degree celsius

Expiry date: 60 days




Salmon fins are a dish that is not often used by Vietnamese people, most often use meat from fish species.

Salmon fins (also known as salmon fins) are the meat taken from both sides of the salmon's fins. The meat in this salmon fin is quite delicious, sweet and fatty, so it is loved by many people. As a nutritious food, all parts of the fish can be processed into many delicious dishes.


  • Salmon fins are a food rich in protein, fat, omega 3, vitamins and many essential minerals for body development such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B.

  • Vitamin B1 reduces stress, plays sports, increases thyroid activity, pregnant and breastfeeding women need more vitamin B1 because these people need more energy.

  • Helps reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of other diseases.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon fins help reduce cholesterol and maintain the flexibility of arteries, veins and the heart.

  • High in Vitamin B, salmon provides potassium, provides Selenium, contains antioxidant Astaxanthin, reduces the risk of heart disease, helps control weight, and protects brain health. Provides the best omega-3 fatty acids for the body.

  • Lots of Protein helps the body recover from injury, protect bone health and maintain muscle mass during weight loss and the aging process.

New Fresh products are committed to quality - prestige - good prices. Providing wholesale and retail with attractive discounts

  • From 5 boxes or more (Small wholesale price)

  • From 20 boxes (Large wholesale price)

  • From 50 boxes (Wholesale price from distributor)

Recommendation: The product should not be used by people who are allergic or sensitive to the ingredients of the product.




Office: 68 Nguyen Thai Hoc, Tan Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

Branch 1: 38/31/13 Che Lan Vien, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City

Branch 2 and warehouse: 38/31/6 Che Lan Vien, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City


Contact and order:

1. Hotline: 0907 579 000

2. Wholesale supply - Horeca: 0907 617 010

3. Quantity of tons/cont: 0909 689 009 - 0963 611 663

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